Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Weekend (22nd-24th)

Jesus what a hectic weekend! Was planning to have a chilled one this week but NOOOOO! Social events just kept piling on top of each other and it woulda bee rude not to attend!

First up: Friday. Kim and Paul were down for a couple of days and wanted a catch up with friends and family (and monkeys too - they went to Monkey World!) She rang up a couple of days before to organise a small night out at 60 Million Postcards in Bournemouth. The place used to be Edwards. It still pretty much looks the same - same sorta lay-out - but with new decor and much better music taste. We got there a bit late cos I cooked us a pasta bake and it didn't finish cooking til 7:50 and we were meant to be there at 8:30!! Kim taught me how to make kick-ass pasta bake 3 years ago. Tonight my pasta bake tasted kick-ass!!

After feeding (and drinking a whole bottle of Pinot Grigio between us) we jumped on the next bus into town to meet Kim, Paul, Kirsty and new boyfriend, Glenn. I'd met Glenn briefly at Castlepoint a couple of months back. He's a sound bloke, really nice. Doesn't seem like Kirsty's usual type in that this one's NOT a complete selfish arsehole that will shit on her and drain her of her last penny! She needs someone like this and has said to me loads "Why can't I find someone who's just nice??" I hope they stay together. We got very drunk (no no... VERY DRUNK), caught up on the gossip, had a bit of a dance and took loads of mental pictures like these...

Me and Lisa decided to go home early ... well, I say early but we actually left at around 1am and didn't get back home til around 2ish. We walked home via a garage to grab some nosh to soak up the booze. We went the back roads back past a lot of the blocks of flats that Lisa used to deal with. One of them was a converted hotel and the reception area still looks like a hotel foyer from the 50's...

The rest of the pics are HERE...
Saturday morning I woke up with the worlds worst hangover knowing that I've got to go to my mum's at around 11ish!! Nightmare! I told her that I had a bit of a hangover and to expect me to be a "bit tired" and she was cool about it. Stayed there for a couple of hours doing a few chores here and there and ate some stew. She seemed to be in a relatively good mood despite all her usual aches and pains. At around 2:30ish I set off to get home - I wanted to meet up with Lisa in Boscombe. She stayed at mine hoping to have a couple extra hours kip but had a phonecall from Jen reminding her about the Harley Davidson ralley in Bournemouth (I think it was by the pier) so she had to go that. Initially she went begrudgingly cos she didn't want to let Jen down but by the end she was glad she went. She had a wicked time and it cleared her hangover... for a bit at least. We met up in Lansdowne and went to Costa Coffee for a refresher. Lisa had a Hot Chocolate with marshmallows (yuk!) and I wanted one of those fruity drinks I had before. I went for a Raspberry one. When I got it it turned out to be a raspberry milkshake and NOT the juicy fruit drink I was hoping. I stuck with it for a while but was not feeling the love so Lisa got me the Summer Fruits juice drink I really wanted! Yippee!!!

I know, check out
the bags under our eyes!

We got back to try and have a nap but that didn't really happen - I think we both got about 20 mins sleep before we had to get up and get ready to go out again and get pissed!!!

Tonight we had a birthday party to go to. My former housemate Kate White has turned 30 along with a lot of my friends recently - including me (although, mine was in January!) Plan was to go to Bar Vin for a couple of drinks and then moving onwards to Cagney's for the very last Room 101. Me and Lisa got to Bar Vin before everyone else even thought we were actually 30 mins late from the arranged time. in fact we were there a good 20 - 30 mins before everyone else and the way we were feeling from the night before we were thinking of going home and just hitting the bed. But then everybody arrived and drinks did floweth (I had couple lagers, Southern Comfort & lemonade and JD & coke). Was introduced to some new people including Sarah's new girlfriend, Lisa. She's absolutely lovely and hope it works out for them both (YAY! About time too, Sarah!!)

Cagney's was absolutely crammed full of people. Most of them have really dressed for the occasion. Room 101 has a retro Mod feel to it so there were guys in sharp suits (think Style Council) and girls in 60's mini-dresses. The music was great too. I'd been there before a couple of times in the past and it's been practically dead so it was good to see it packed. Drinks did floweth again (4 lagers, a shot of tequila and a shot of apple schnapps!)

Once again we left at 1ish and shared a taxi with Sarah & Lisa. Got home at 1:30ish to see Mooro and Alex leaving our flat just as we were going in. Had a little chat and said our goodbyes and went upstairs. Kim, Paul, Gary and Simone were still here! Gary and Scott were doing some weird experimental photography involving slow shutter speeds, movement and light... so I got involved in that. We were kinda hoping to go straight to bed once we got home but we soon shrugged off the tiredness once we started chatting again. Here's a few pics of that...


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