Most of this week has been pretty uneventful cos we've been mostly sorting out everything in the flat. It really does feel homely (but modern) now. I've been introducing Scott to Spaced (something that I HAVE to do to all my mates cos I absolutely love Spaced) and I think he's starting to love it too. I caught him when I came home at lunchtime watching the first couple of episodes again. Next you'll be quoting it like an obsessed Trekky, Scott!
We've also been playing Silent Hill 3. Yes, I know it's quite an old game but we were discussing Resident Evil whilst watching Episode 3 of the first series of Spaced. I don't own a copy of Resident Evil any more (another series of games I want to re-buy) so that's why we stuck on Silent Hill 3. It's not as scary though - just a bit fucked up and sick. But there's some good moments.... it's just not as good as zombies!
On wednesday I was planning on having a chilled night in as Scott was off to band practice with Lounge. I watched a couple of episodes of Brass Eye, played a bit of Chronicles Of Riddick on the Xbox and then got a text from Helen saying come to The Bell for a few pints. (I live opposite The Bell in case you didn't know!) I wasn't too sure at first but then thought 'fuck it', it's only accross the road and I'm running out of beer! Had a pretty cool time, just played some pool and mucked about on the Top Of The Pops quiz machine. The Chelsea match was on the tele in there too (which I didn't even know about) so that was a bonus - even though the score was 0-0!!
Last night I bought some Jack Daniels cos we've been drinking a shit load of Scott's nice Spanish expensive liqour and we wanna save it. I didn't buy any coke so I was drinking it neat!! Hardcore!!! hehe! I found out last night that The Hat are NOT dead but mearly re-inventing itself. No longer will the band be fronted by 'The Seargent'. Scott said "...he will be standing down from centre stage and will be more in the background with keyboards etc." With that Scott played me 2 demo MP3's from his iPod and then went to band practice with The Hat. After a couple of drinks I re-played the tracks and visualised some ideas for the design of the EP's front cover and started re-thinking the website design as I'd already started designing a Jello Of The Sea website. (for those that don't know, that was what they were gonna call The Hat after they re-invented themselves. It's now the name of one of their songs!) Then I got all nostalgic for my old music that I used to write so I dug some out and played that. After a couple of hours of that Scott came back and I played some to him, he thought some of it was wicked and others were dire (which I totally agree with, but I was explaining I was just experimenting with ideas and sounds to see if I can find some stuff I can use.... which I did!) Ended up getting quite lashed and we stuck on Silent Hill 3 for an hour then went to bed.
listening to: LCD Soundsystem - Daft Punk Are Playing At My House
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