Friday evening came, and Lisa set off on her way. Gary and Simone came round for a little catch up. Gary's been a bit on the ill side and has had a couple of days off work. Simone is pregnant and loving it. They'd emailed me a picture of her baby scan that she had a couple of days before. Introducing baby Hudspith...
After they left I got back to work on the film while Scott revised his half of the DJ set. There were a few new bits I wanted to edit into the film ... but at the same time I had to find stuff to take out cos it was running seriously over time! Lisa and all the birthday girl entourage wanted to send out a toast to me in the form of a picture message...
I toasted them back via picture message with the glass of wine I was drinking. Followed, shortly after that I was sent a picture of Lisa with a chocolatey hand-print on her chest!...
...they had one of those chocolate fountains, y'see! Girls will be girls!
Saturday, I went to my mum's as usual and did a few chores for her. She's been trying to decide what to get Lisa for Christmas for ages. I suggested something and she wanted me to get it (Sorry, Lisa. I'm not about to type what your getting here!) I also had to grab some stuff for Christmas Dinner.
I got back home at around 3ish. Had a very drunken phonecall from Lisa at about 5ish - she'd been out on the piss all afternoon with Charlie and was not about to give up now! Anyway, the problem with getting pissed that early in the day means that you flake out early. They'd stopped drinking a couple of hours later and gone for a chill/nap at the time I was just starting to pour out the wine for my night out. Because tonight is the night that James and Scott do their first Blind Voyeurs DJ set at Sixty Million Postcards. To say that they were nervous was an understatement. They were practically shitting themselves. I tryed to help by saying stuff like "Guys, you're only gonna be playing music on a big stereo like you normally do every evening!" It didn't really help but hey.
Anyway, the night went well. After getting very drunk at Sixty Million Andy suggested going back to his for an after-party. I'd never been there before but it was cool. Andy had been sober all night cos he was driving so when we got there he mixed up a mental cocktail for all of us with rum, vodka, crushed ice and mint. Jesus that stuff was strong - I guess he had to catch up. We then went into the hot-tub. I thought it was a ridiculous idea cos it was freezing outside. I was told that as soon as your in the hot-tub you don't notice! Man, it was so nice - I've gotta get me one of those! I had no idea what time I crashed cos I took my watch off ages ago but I was getting tired so it was time to crash out. Man, did I have a hangover the next day! Anyway, here's some pics.... see the whole flickr set click HERE.
Sunday, I was soooooo frickin hungover! I felt like I was gonna be sick for most of the morning. I wasn't but sure felt like it. I had nothing to eat except a bacon butty. I had to have a massive nap in the afternoon until 6pm when Lisa rang up and suggested we go for a Carvery down at Cooper Dean. Fuckin' mint idea! Scott woke up about 10 minutes later and we convinced him to join us. That sorted my head right out. Good times had by all!
At least I was wearing a Bra!!!!!!
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