As you may or may not have been aware - Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday or, what I prefer to call, Pancake Day!! Most of the people in my department at work didn't participate because of either forgetting all about it or couldn't be arsed (But, I put it down to being boring). I, on the other hand, LOVE pancacke day and mentioned it to Lisa at least a couple of days before so that we could gather all the ingredients together. Pics time....

As we started to mix all the ingredients together I got a text from ex-housemate Sarah asking if we fancied going to The Bell for a pint or 2 as she's just outside my flat. I went to the lounge and looked out the window and sure enough she was out there waiting for a reply!! I told her we're having pancakes and she's more than welcome to join us and it'd be cheaper to get a pack of beers from the One Stop. So she grabbed some beers and came round for the evening. It was good to see her, hadn't seen her since just before she moved out of 61 Christchurch Road. We ended up playing Star Wars Trivial Pursuit til almost midnight. We all got very involved in that. Naturally, I won, with Sarah coming a close second (she had all her slices of pie (or cheese or cake or whatever you wanna call it)) and Lisa managed to get 4 of her pieces... and she thought she knew nothing about Star Wars!!
Wednesday 1st March 2006
Bournemouth! *sarcasm* Don't you just love it? No really, I saw the weather report the other night and she (the weatherwoman ..... doesn't quite sound the same as weatherman does it?!?!) said "Wrap up warm folks and get out your sleighs cos it's gonna be lovely and snowy all over the UK over the next couple of days." Now, if you come from Bournemouth you know that when the weatherpeople (note the political correctness!) say it's gonna "snow all over the UK" they actually mean it's gonna snow all over the UK except Bournemouth!! Ok to be fair, we did have some snow (as the pictures below will tell you) but after about 10 minutes of what resembled a promising blizzard the sun came out while the snow was still falling and melted away anything that was settling! There wasn't even a rainbow (or would that be snowbow?!) Now, I'm not saying I want it to be a complete whiteout and for it to be dangerous to go out. Look, check out this link to the beeb! There's news stories abound where people are coping with scenes like this...
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