Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Planet Earth

I've got Planet Earth by Duran Duran in my head this morning. Must be because I saw Duran Duran on Top of the Pops 2 last night.... the weird thing is I only know a bit of it and it keeps merging into Girls On Film!


Blimey, what a long weekend it's been! Absolutely wicked, and much needed. Friday was Glen's birthday (yep, another one!) - I got him a tounge-in-cheek book called Crap Cars. I got it cos he's thinking of buying a car and I wanted to give him advice. Actually, some of the cars in there are soooo crap they're cool: for example the Austin Allegro or VW Beetle. I also got him a toy BB gun. That evening Lee and Andy came round for a few drinks and a few fatty-boombatties. As it was Glen's birthday we all did whatever he wanted to do - he didn't fancy going out so we all stayed in. I was kinda hoping that we went into town cos I had some friends out in town that would've met us up and joined in but as it was Glen's day we do what Glen wants. He was the shepherd, we were his sheep! (that was an ironic joke as his sirname's Shepherd!)

Saturday was a good day too. Went to my mum's in the morning to do some of her chores as per usual. Came home to see Glen playing the new TimeSplitters game - joined in for a bit before realising that I hadn't bought Kim's Leaving present so quickly pegged it into Bournemouth to buy her the Spaced DVD Boxset and a wicked lamp from Habitat. I got back and had it wrapped within 30 mins! Bonus - more time on TimeSplitters. Woohoo!! Took time out at about 6.30 to find a blank video to watch the long awaited first episode of the new series of Dr Who - which, by the way, totally rocked! Then it was off to Casa to meet up with Kim, Paul, Scott, Fran, Lottie, Richard, Gary, Simone, Caprice and Emma. Stayed there for a bit and then moved onwards to O'Neills where we bumped into Helen and Becky (Mmmmm, becky!). Had a wicked time, drinking, dancing etc. As per usual when I go to O'Neills me and my mates are the first group of people dancing on the stage after the band's packed up their stuff. Had a Subway after and trekked home - I phoned Helen to ask more about Becky on the way home... what a drunken fool!

Sunday was a chill-out day. Kim and Paul popped round to collect they're leaving presents had had a quick cuppa and a chat. Then just chilled, played guitar and Xbox and watched some of Last Samurai.

And then yesterday (Monday) Glen, Kate, Lee and I went to the Baker's Arms pub to have a lovely slap-up meal - I had smothered chicken!! Man, the pub was full of loud annoying kids - apart from that it was cool. Had a couple of pints and headed home. Stopped off at Bottom's Up to grab some booze for the house and went home to play more TimeSplitters. Went to bed at about 2 cos I watched the last part of Last Samurai - I thought I'd only had a few chapters to go - it seems I was only half way through!

And now I'm at work!! *sigh*

I'll post pics of my weekend up here soon (I'll probably post a link to an album!)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Loooooong emails!!

Yesterday I got an email from my good old buddie Christina (lovingly known as Xina) ....
A piccie of Xina taken during Easter 2004
She's travelling the world and is currently in the land of Oz. No, not the one with the Yellow Brick Road but Australia. Anyhoo, she sent out an email to all of us giving us her new mobile number, which I used straight away to say hi and that we should catch up but didn't know where to start. I've just finished writing the worlds longest email with lots of goss on what I've been up to since she left in October (was it October? Nope! Early Novemeber - yes I remember she had a fireworks party and leaving get-together the day before she left!) Man, my fingers ache! I didn't even get anywhere near half of what I wanted to say but I thought I'd give her a break. It was literally a novel!!!

edit: Xina's just corrected me via email that she is, in fact in New Zealand!! I thought so... just wasn't sure *ahem*

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Star Wars Tickets!!

I've just heard that tickets for the final chapter in the Star Wars saga have gone on sale as of midnight last night. I texted my housemates immediately about whether I should book some online. We decided to wait til we all get home first so we can decide on which day and what time. Meanwhile, the new trailer can be downloaded here. (right-click, save as) Dude, I can't wait!!

Birthday I

I was surprised to come home to find out that it was Neil's birthday today!! Nobody had mentioned it to me and so I didn't buy him a present - I had no idea! Besides, I couldn't afford to get him one anyway what with it being the end of the month before payday. I'll get him something on Thurday (tomorrow) when I get paid. Still had a few beers etc and now I'm about to hit the sack!


Ex Trouble!

This morning I received a delightful email off of my ex-girlfriend informing me that she can't email me anymore because she's seeing Dan (her boss!!) and has been for quiet some time! We'd split up about 3 weeks ago. To be quite honest I really don't give a fuck but now I look back at the last 2 or 3 weeks that we were together all she did was say "Dan this" and "Dan that". I shoulda had my suspicions back then. Besides I'd already dumped her once. Anyway, my bestest buddie, Kim, wrote her a shitty email giving her a piece of her mind! Go grrrl!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Welcome to my spanking new blog. I will be using this form of media to spirt out my ramblings onto the unsuspecting internet public as and when I have anything to bang on about. I've got nothing to say right now cos I'm at work and really should be doing some of that but I got bored of doing it so I thought I'd knock this up. Here's to post number 1
