Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Drivers Licence...

So, I'm gonna start learning to drive this year.... well, HOPING to anyway. Which means I'll need to get a provisional driving licence. This meant I had to get my mugshot from one of those lovely machines that make you look like a serial killer!

Now I've got this far I'll have to fill out the application form. God I hate forms. I'll probably never get round to this for another 2 months or so knowing me.

I'm in two minds when it comes to driving. On one hand, I'd love to be able to have my own car and the freedom to go where I want when I want in my own personal space. And to be able to carry my band stuff around to gigs or whatever. And to not rely so much on Lisa and take turn driving places.

But the other half of me wants to prevent adding yet another car onto our already over-crowded roads, not contribute to the ever increasing build up of smog. It will make me lazy and fat. It'll also make me skint cos of all the road tax, MOT, petrol etc etc. It's not like I can afford to live at the moment WITHOUT a car!

Decisions decisions....


Anonymous said...

Go for it Stevie, I think its a great idea. You only have to find one off payments for cars like tax and insurance and you'll find it somehow. Chants.."STEVIE, STEVIE, STEVIE". You can practice on Gary's car!!

Anonymous said...

Don bother with a car. Your cheaper getting taxis everywhere.